Single Family Home Inspections

The phrase “Single-Family Home” is something you’ll often see when browsing the market or as you search real estate listings. A single-family home might seem easy to define: It’s single-family housing, Right? Not exactly. To be classified as this type of home, there are requirements the structure must meet.

Williams Home Inspections performs a thorough inspection on all homes, primarily Single Family Homes.

One Owner

This home is built as the residence for one family, person, or household, whose owner has an undivided interest in the unit. 

Single Kitchen

This kind of home has one kitchen. Adding a kitchen to an in-law suite or carriage house will alter the home’s zoning classification. 

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No Common Walls

This home is a stand-alone, detached property. This means the home doesn’t share common walls or a roof with any other dwelling. 


Only one set of utilities can service this home and may not be shared in any way with another residence. This applies to heating, electricity, water, or any other essential service.

Entrance and Exit

A single-family home has its own private and direct access to a street or thoroughfare. This is as opposed to an apartment, which has hallways and a lobby that leads to street access. 


A single-family home has no shared property but is built on its own parcel of land.